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                                                        UNDERSTANDING AND CONTROLLING LANDFILL FIRES

Characterizing a Fire

Health and Safety:

From a health and safety perspective, it is vital to assess and continuously monitor the composition of  smoke.  Fire fighters should not be allowed to fight and overhaul a landfill fire without full Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) only after it is determined by the applicable regulatory agency that it is safe to do so (e.g. Worker’s Compensation Board in British Columbia).

The first step in any fire fight was to ensure protection of all fire fighters and support staff involved.  A comprehensive health and safety program should be developed in cooperation with the applicable regulatory agency and implemented before fire fighters are permitted to enter the fire zone.  At a minimum, the health and safety program should involve:

  • Air quality testing;
  • Controlled access and site security;
  • All persons sign in and sign out;
  • Radio communication;
  • Air horn warning;
  • Spotter working with all equipment;
  • On-site first aid attendant;
  • Warning fences around all hazards; and
  • Daily safety meetings




Papers   IntroductionCharacterizing a FireExtinguishment MethodsMonitoringConclusions and Lessons Learned   next page continue with Characterizing a Fire