We have found
monitoring of temperatures is very useful for establishing the
extent of a fire, but only if the temperatures are measured at
depth. The best way to collect temperature measurements
(and gas composition samples) is to drill a number of monitoring
wells in and around the suspected fire zone. The monitoring
wells can be drilled with augers, Becker Hammer rigs or Sonic
drill rigs. Air rotary rigs should not be considered since
injection of large quantities of air could accelerate the fire
and possibly trigger a methane explosion. Photo 12 shows
a drill crew installing a monitoring well at Campbell Mountain
Landfill. Note the safety equipment including respirators
and ventilation fans. Gas composition was also monitored
on a continuous basis.

12. drillingmonitoring wells
13. thermister assembly
To keep the holes
open, the monitoring wells should be cased, preferably with slotted
steel casing. Thermistors can then be lowered down the holes
to measure temperatures at various depths within the fill.
We prefer to monitor temperatures at 5 m intervals, typically
at 5, 10, 15 and 20 m below surface. To prevent convective
currents between the various temperature intervals, we install
foam baffles on the thermister strings. A multi-channel
read out box is used to measure temperatures at surface.
Photo 13 illustrates a typical thermistor assembly.
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continue with Monitoring