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                                                        REDUCING THE RISK OF LANDFILL FIRE

Pre Planning

Having a comprehensive landfill fire pre-plan in place is an important part of landfill fire risk reduction.  The elements of a good pre-plan include: 

  • Site orientation information (up to date maps, air photos)
  • List of fire fighting resources (on-site and fire departments)
  • A defined Incident Command Structure with all group leaders identified
  • Fire Response Actions and Responsibilities of all group leaders defined.
  • An evacuation plan in place.
  • Strategies for fighting Level 1 to Level 4 fires defined.
  • A list of personal protective equipment
  • A well thought out communication system
  • An up-to-date emergency contact list.

Fire Prevention Training

More important than the pre-plan is to ensure that landfill staff and fire fighters responding to a landfill fire incident are thoroughly trained to deal with fire emergencies.  Key training topics include:

  • recognizing a fire early
  • raising the alarm
  • safety in the fire zone and accountability
  • respiratory protection
  • fire fighting methods

Based on training programs organized for Metro Waste in Des Moines, Iowa, the Israel Ministry of Environment and the City of Calgary, LandfillFire Control Inc. is working with the B.C. Pacific Chapter of SWANA, Ecowaste Industries and the City of Vancouver to organize a one day landfill fire workshop on April 19th, 2002.

Papers   IntroductionEarly DetectionFour Levels of FireImportance of Cover MaterialHealth and SafetyPre Planning   End of Article