A Case Study at the Campbell
Mountain Landfill, Penticton, British Columbia
1 Monitoring Results.
Temperature Monitoring
Landfill measurements
have been measured twenty eight (28) times since the competition
of Phase 1. SHA staff took all of the measurements up to August
5,1998, while Regional District staff took subsequent measurements.
The temperature measurements
within the gas monitoring wells along the crest and toe of the
ravine (GMW98-1A, GMW98-4A GMW98-5A, GMW98-6A and GMW98-8), were
within the normal temperature range typically encountered at landfill
sites (up to 55 degrees C.). Although some temperature fluctuations
were noted, the largest fluctuations occurred at Thermistors located
near surface were conditions such as snow cover or compost material
stockpiling, and not a fire, would have caused the changes.
Similar results were
encountered at Pt 1/4 of GMW98-2A, Pt 3 of GMW98-3A and all points
at GMW98-7A, with temperatures remaining below 55 degrees C. All
of these Thermistors are located in wells within the body of the
North Ravine. The only difference between these results and the
results obtained at the crest/toe Thermistors is that temperature
fluctuations encountered at Pt 3 of GMW98-3A in particular were
likely due to residential heat generated by the fire.
summarizes the temperature results
for the remaining Thermistor locations, (Pts 2/3/4 of GMW98-2A,
GMW98-3A and P 2 of GMW98-7A) all of which encountered
temperatures in excess of 55 degrees C. during one or more sampling
rounds. The temperatures at all these locations have been following
a downward trend since the completion of the clay cap.

Click on picture for larger image (opens in a new window).
It is important to
note that in May of 1998 (during the installation of the clay
barrier), water was poured into GMW98-2 to clear soil bridges
that were created when the well was accidentally buried. This
accounts for the erratic preliminary results for GMW98-2.
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gas concentration measurements